The solar farm is located on the southwest corner of the airfield, in an area unusable for aviation purposes. However, it was the perfect location for a solar farm.
Phase I, a 1.0 megawatt solar farm, consists of 3,948 solar panels with 60 cells each, generating 255 watts per panel
Phase II, a 1.1 megawatt solar farm, consists of 3,542 panels with 72 cells each, generating 310 watts per panel.
Phase III, a 641 kilowatt solar farm, consists of 1,886 panels with 72 cells each, generating 340 watts per panel.
The three phases together produce approximately 100 percent of the energy consumed by the airport.
The solar farm was funded through a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Voluntary Airport Low Emission (VALE) Grant. VALE Grants are air quality grants issued to airports that are in non-attainment or maintenance areas. In 2010, Chattanooga was in a non-attainment area for Particulate Matter 2.5, making it eligible at the time for air quality grant funding.
To learn more about how solar energy works and to see how much energy our solar farm is producing, please go to: