The West Side: Corporate Aviation Development was completed in July 2011 and has been awarded the highest level of LEED certification — platinum. The development was built with environmental sustainability, occupant health, comfort and cost savings in mind. Some of the eco-friendly features and their corresponding benefits include:
Building Materials - minimum of 26% recycled content
Ceilings and Millwork - bamboo (rapidly renewable resource)
Counters - 80% recycled content
Construction Waste - 95% recycled
Flooring - recycled carpet and tile
HVAC - high efficiency units
Low Flow Fixtures - water savings
Energy cost savings - 52% of standard code
Recycling Bins
Green Cleaning Products
Green Pesticide Products
Bike Racks and Bicycles
Shuttle Service
Day Lighting
The aircraft hangar co-located on the West Side Aviation Campus was also certified by the U.S. Green Building Council as a LEED gold facility. The hangar also contains numerous sustainable features, including:
All steel beams in the structure and the sheeting contain recycled materials
95% of all construction waste was recycled
Contains a high energy efficiency infrared system
Unique day lighting structure with windows in the hangar facility
The Chattanooga Airport's efforts to promote sustainability have real, tangible benefits for our local community. But we also hope our LEED design efforts will set the example for other airports, private businesses and individuals to follow.